How porn movies can help you surprise your partner

Jonathan Borba / Pexels

Many couples wonder if watching porn together can enhance their sex life. While research shows that a significant number of couples, around 96%, watch pornography together, it’s important to consider the pros and cons of engaging in this activity with your partner.

In this article we will explore the pros of surprising your partner with porn movies and also some useful tips on how to approach this.

Pros of watching porn movies with your partners

1. Discovering Sexual Preferences: Watching porn together can help both partners explore and understand their sexual preferences. It serves as a tool for education by teaching about different sexual activities and igniting curiosity. By discussing desires and fantasies, couples can learn what turns them on and engage in open conversations about their sexual desires.

2. Enhancing Sexual Fidelity: Sharing the experience of watching porn can intensify the physical attraction between partners. This increased satisfaction can reduce the likelihood of seeking pleasure outside the relationship. Engaging in this activity together promotes a sense of trust and togetherness, creating a healthier approach to exploring sexual interests.

3. Learning New Positions: Pornography often showcases various sexual positions that couples may not have considered before. Many couples report that watching porn has positively impacted their sex lives, introducing them to new and exciting positions. Trying out these moves can add spice and excitement to the bedroom, and it can also reduce shyness and encourage partners to be more open-minded about exploration.

Tips to introduce porn movies into your relationship

Introducing porn into a relationship can not only be a bonding experience but also add some much-needed novelty, reigniting the sexual spark. However, discussing it with your partner can be challenging.

1. Start Slowly

Begin by expressing your desire to spice things up and inviting your partner to share their own desires. Rather than diving into hardcore porn right away, consider starting with something milder, like a mainstream movie known for its steamy scenes. You can even use research on the positive effects of watching porn together as a conversation starter. Gauge your partner’s reaction to determine their openness to the idea.

2. Choose the Right Time

Timing is crucial when discussing watching porn together. Avoid bringing it up when your partner is stressed or busy. Instead, find a relaxed moment, like a lazy Sunday over coffee, to initiate the conversation. It’s also important to avoid discussing it in the bedroom while getting physical, as it may add unnecessary pressure.

3. Discuss Intentions

Before watching porn together, have an open conversation about why you want to do it. Are you looking for inspiration, exploring new sexual positions, or trying to understand each other’s turn-ons? Clarifying your intentions will ensure both partners are on the same page.

4. Maintain Open Communication

Be prepared for your partner to have thoughts and questions, especially if they are new to watching porn. Allow them to express their concerns and consider scheduling a follow-up discussion to give them time to process their thoughts and make an informed decision. After watching porn together, take the time to reflect and discuss the experience, sharing what you enjoyed, what you didn’t, and any emotions that arose.

5. Set Boundaries

To create a comfortable and safe environment, discuss and establish boundaries. Talk about preferences regarding specific websites, erotic stories, or dynamics or behaviors you both feel uncomfortable watching. Address topics such as when and where you’ll watch porn together, privacy and confidentiality, solo porn-watching, and masturbating while watching together. Clearly communicate your interests and limits.

6. Respect Their Decision

If your partner is not interested in watching porn together, it’s important to understand their reasons. Try to find a compromise that respects their boundaries, such as allowing them to choose the porn or agreeing to only watch it together as part of foreplay. If they remain unwilling, respect their decision, and let them know that you understand and appreciate their perspective. Patience, compassion, and respect can pave the way for future exploration and experimentation.

Remember, introducing porn into your relationship is a personal decision that requires open communication, respect, and consent from both partners. By approaching the topic with sensitivity and understanding, you can create an opportunity to explore new experiences and strengthen the connection with your partner.

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